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hierarchical structure造句
31, Who wields power is not important, provided that the hierarchical structure remains always the same. 32, The hierarchical structure of a sentence:sentences are organized with words of the same syntactic category, such as noun phrase(NP), or verb phrase (VP), grouped together. 33, Finally, concepts such as ordinary compiling, self-compiling, bootstrap structure, macro structure and hierarchical structure are discussed with the formal deductive system given in this paper. 34, As this method exposes hierarchical structure of video, used to generate different precision of video abstraction. 35, When decision-making problem is complex and there are many decision-makingfactors, hierarchical structure may be constructed by the reachability matrix of directed graph. 36, DTM is similar to SONET technology in terms of low complexity and overhead, but DTM includes signaling and switching to increase the flexibility and avoid the hierarchical structure of SONET. 37, There is no doubt that E - mail flattens the hierarchical structure of an organization. 38, To solve this problem, the variable prediction-time decomposition technique is proposed, and the gross output prediction method with three-level hierarchical structure is formulated. 39, Then, we have proposed a binary image watermarking algorithm based on hierarchical structure. 40, Unlike other side-by-side mapping tools, the mapping table does not provide full mapping power of any hierarchical structure to another. 41, This case - based reasoning ( CBR ) system for power system restoration has a hierarchical structure. 42, Howard Pattee , an early cybernetician, defined hierarchical structure as a spectrum of connectance.