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boundary line造句
1. The terms of the agreement respect the boundary line between the two countries. 2. For satellite communications, geographical boundary lines are irrelevant. 3. Politicians no longer need to draw doodle shaped boundary lines to guarantee ward majorities. 4. Circumference: The boundary line of a circle. 5. The two neighbors bitterly about their boundary line. 5. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 6. The two neighbors disagreed bitterly about their boundary line. 7. The two neighbors disagreed bitterly over their boundary line. 8. Microcosmos and macrocosm boundary line where? 9. The NLB of the distinct boundary line was solitary in the cytoplasm. 10. Judging from transverse direction, by this natural boundary line , war may be divided for the east and west because of Appalachia mountain chain two battlefields. 11. The boundary line between ore body and country rock is distinct, being a meso - epithermal filling deposit. 12. A river forms the boundary line between the two countries. 13. The boundary line between the countries was an apple of discord between the two countries. 14. In other words, there is a boundary line between them and it can't be surmounted. 15. Last Sunday the divisionists objectd to the existing boundary line. 16. Hong Kong Port facilities adjacent to the boundary line was deep north - south layout. 17. The boundary line between the farms was a bone of contention between the two farmers. 18. The ball rose in a high arc and fell behind the boundary line. 19. The President said NATO expansion will finally erase the boundary line in Europe artificially created by the Cold War. 20. These values issues have fragmented long-standing party alliances and crossed traditional geographical and economic boundary lines. 21. If Holt thinks that this proposal would remove an arbitrary boundary line between adults and children, then he is mistaken. 22. The trend toward tabloidization and instant popularization has eroded the boundary lines between news and entertainment, objective journalism and advocacy. 23. McLaren first began attracting attention about six years ago when he started contesting boundary lines in the development where he lives. 24. The mucosal epithelium of rectum transforms into stratified squamous epithelium abruptly at the end of the rectum. The boundary line between rectum and cloaca was very distinct. 25. Naturally it also forms the foundation of delimiting the rational boundary line of government investment. 26. The plane of the lateral pterygoid muscle is the lateral boundary line of the endoscopic transnasal transantral approach. 27. Analyze interface condition of the two contact surfaces, secondary contact phenomenon, existence of meshing boundary line and undercut boundary line. 28. The period between 495 BC and 473 BC, the boundary line of Wu and Chu is stable. 29. After satellite image was processed, Fourier expansion was made for MCS's boundary line. 30. If the single well contains water more than 85 %, the perforated boundary line can be broadened.