快好知 kuaihz

distributed algorithm造句
1. Distributed Algorithm(DA)is widely used in FPGA and ASIC design to calculate sum of products. 2. A new distributed algorithm for cluster heads selection based on the average energy consumption of sensor nodes in each period was proposed, which was an improvement of the LEACH algorithm. 3. A fast distributed algorithm for mining adjustable accuracy association rules is presented using sampling and meta learning. 4. A distributed algorithm was proposed to solve the first two sub-problems, and by using the Newton gradient method, the third sub-problem was solved iteratively to approach the optimal solution. 5. The major advantage of DCF is simplicity and distributed algorithm, which are important in the Wireless LAN. 6. This paper presented a distributed algorithm for mining frequent closed patterns using meta-learning. 7. A new distributed algorithm of data compression of hierarchical cluster model in sensor network is proposed. 8. A new dynamic distributed algorithm for network routing was presented. 9. A dynamic distributed algorithm(DDA) is put forword based on the theory of Signed(distributed) arithmetic. 10. This paper describes the distributed algorithm of two-dimensional image processing in real-ti(?)e. 11. The CRC distributed algorithm was deduced, from which CRC distributed algorithm corresponding to polynomials of any order and any bit width processing can be derived. 12. The paper proposes a distributed algorithm for part message delay-constrained multicast routing directed at ensuring quality of service of multicast tree. 13. In the end, discussed the strategy for choosing the right distributed algorithm by experiment. 14. According to the linear characteristics of FIR filter, the distributed algorithm and ROM look-up tables were used to optimize the design and simulation of FIR filter. 15. As a result of transmitting larges numbers of messages in bully algorithm of distributed algorithm, the performance of the communication is degraded. 16. When an user accepts to run Plura code on his computer, the Plura applet downloads a small piece of a distributed algorithm and computes some values when computing power is available. 17. Practical application reveals that in logging curve processing system employing the distributed algorithm can greatly save data processing time, improve the data processing capacity of the system. 18. DTD (distributed termination detection) is an important problem in the field of distributed algorithm research. 19. Aimed at optimizing the formation control of multiple robots, a quick converging distributed algorithm for generating arbitrary shape of multiple robots is discussed. 20. Analyzing the grain logistics current situation, this paper proposes a distributed algorithm based on ant colonies to optimize the dynamic assignment of components to orders.