快好知 kuaihz

morning time造句
(1) Now, with the morning Times on breakfast tables across the nation, the news was out. (2) Don't waste your prime morning time at the pump. (3) Make morning time your activity time. (4) Shift exercise to morning time Don't exercise in the three hours leading up to bedtime. (5) For example, I now think of morning time as a time to prepare my kids for the day ahead. (6) All memorable events, I should say, transpire in morning time and in a morning atmosphere. (7) I'm setting aside morning time as a time of peace and quiet, and time to take small steps each day towards my goals. (8) I see a kitchen with some of the morning time to wash the bowl, I will wash up. (9) This paper classifies TV news program by morning time, noontime and evening time just on the basis of logic. (10) The late return from Blackburn meant training had been moved back from its normal morning time slot. (11) You may find that your normal evening workout isn't as easy to do as a morning time workout, or vice verse. (12) Mornings found him sluggish, so he began preparing the night before and doubled his morning time. (13) Our BREAKFAST is very simple, just to review what we have learned last day, using the great memory of morning time. (14) If there is any issue that need my attention, please email me at night so we can discuss them in your morning time before noon. (15) Our target is the business people who already have Chinese intermediate level. Effectively use morning time before they go to work, teach China's language and culture. (16) If you follow the practice of getting up in the morning time, slowly you will find children cannot sleep after that time. (17) since then the devotee use to bow his /her head before it at the time of worship specially in the morning time .almost people never consider thangka as an object of decoration. (18) If you follow the practice of getting up in the morning time, slowly you will find children cannot sleep afterward time.