TR造句1. D'abord, c'est un examen tr è s intensif.
2. Station 1 - TR: Check top view marking.
3. Les gar ? ons se lavent tr è s vite le matin, ils peuvent le finir en deux minutes.
4. Objective To explore a better surgical mode to tr eat gluteal muscle contracture.
5. Son é p é e , c'est tr è s tranchant, elle coupe une jambe de l'assassin.
6. En synth é tique . Mais il est tr è s pratique , c'est vite lav é , vite s é ch é et antimite.
7. Ich liebe dich immer noch so sehr tr & auml ; nenschwer mein kopf is leer.
8. Augustine (On Jn. tr. 34, 8f). A convenient, festive messianism , without strength and responsibility is an absurdity, it is even satanism (Mt 16, 23).
9. All the recent talk about the future of and giving up control over our links on Twitter to third parties made us look into alternative solutions for shortening our links over the last few weeks.
10. By referring to the classical CSMA/CD protocol, this paper presents an optimized CSMA-SNP/TR protocol, which is of better performance and has been verified both theoretically and experimentally.
11. The test results showed that the TR soil consolidator has good performance with practical value and application prospect.
12. According to tolerance relation system (TR) the criteria of growth is improved, so this algorithm is more suitable for HRCT segmentation.
13. Dirk Enke tr ? gt ein schwarzes Polohemd, eine schwarze Jeans und schwarze Lederschuhe.
14. Making this small change in the code, all tr.messageRow elements that are on the page will trigger this code when double-clicked.
15. Simply hit the Escape key, press :, type 2,4!tr 'a-z' 'A-Z', and hit the Return key.
16. We got success at a tr ial of some geological item.
17. El Aalborg , un tr á mite para el Manchester United.
18. Tr. Since they moved to this community they have lived in harmony with their neighbors.
19. Objective To study the effects of HPV16 E6E7 fragments on the biological behavior of immortalized human bronchial epithelial cells TR.
20. In addition , the effects of sorption and nitrification on NH 4 + N transformation and tr.
21. This feature p aired with the ability to spread a st ate machine over sever al tr ansl ation units makes possible virtu ally unlimited sc al ability.
22. Obviously, you cannot use this mode together with AR and TR.
23. Sich einem herunterreissen means "to pull off" and colloquially "to masturbate."- TR.
24. Frau : Du gehst mit einem M ? dchen ins Kino und ich koche zu Hause ? Du tr? umst.
25. Not only simulate patch array antenna's EM performance, but also concern the affects of feed networks including power divider network, digital phase shifter, TR module etc.
26. Citified yet sporty, the product range from this firm includes footwear bottoms for men and women in materials such as TR, PVC and TPU.
27. The world, as the Indian boy knows it from fairy tale and folklore, has seven seas and thirteen rivers. Tr.
28. Furnace body of compact construction may provide hot air in various temperature ranges to meet the needs of drying. industrial furnace , fluidized bed , combustion and heat tr...
29. By using the FCF during estimate the value of the TR Company the author evaluates the scientific and inadaptability of the FCF.
30. This paper is an attempt to explore the narrative strategy and stylistic features in Tell Me a Riddle from perspectives of narrative point of view, narrative form and tr.