be on parole造句 1. If released, he will continue to be on parole for eight more years. 2. Most states also bar people who are on parole and probation. 3. If a kid is on parole and his parole officer wishes to incarcerate him, there would be no room. 4. He's still on parole and he will be on parole for another five years – and they didn't even prove anything against him! 5. A prisoner may have his sentence reduced for good behaviour be on parole according to law.英文造句tivolire-exportjudaicjoinableburning temperaturepaso doblereference lineflow controlMiltonicbe symptomatic ofmelting downmethylatelivingstonmetalizingmeshychronic unemploymentneonatal deathpress brakecontrolling factorfinite element methodwaterbirdtelevision imagepoisson equationpugginghyperostosiscomparative costinsurantinterleafused-up