circle around造句31. We made a circle around Ross Island and Mount Erebus and then headed west across the Sound toward Marble Point.
32. Thus these three qualities - right view , right effort , & right mindfulness - run & circle around right action.
33. When you've done the work you can tick the item in your diary. If you feel you haven't learnt it you can put a circle around the item and add it to the list for a future day.
34. It is especially designed for the people who have dark circle around eyes, wrinkles surrounding eyes, eyestrain and other problems.
35. When you circle around a club, women NOTICE that you're alone.
36. Thoughts about manhandling her into a public restroom and doing the nasty circle around and around in his noggin.
37. Observers circle around two dancers during the International Fellowship Dinner and Dance.
38. Thus these three qualities - right view , right effort , & right mindfulness - run & circle around right view.
39. Some dancers formed a circle around Brett and started to dance.
40. Donkeys that plodded wearily in a circle around a gin D . H . Lawrence.
40.try its best to collect and build good sentences.
41. As the crankshaft rotates, the crankpin swings in a circle around the shaft.
42. In the end, only circle around the dot was used.
43. Let us think of an electron as a wave extending in a circle around the nucleus.