birefringence造句(31) As a result of the stress birefringence there is a mode splitting phenomenon of the microchip lasers longitudinal mode with frequency difference.
(32) Stress birefringence of optical fiber and mode split within resonance cavity are analyzed by photoelasticity theory.
(33) A novel broadband polarizing beam splitter is proposed based on the form - birefringence of SWG.
(34) One of its applications is possible for obtaining birefringence information of biological tissues.
(35) One can obtain high birefringence index contrast between air and silica in photonic crystal fibers.
(36) Process and result of deriving are illuminated that the isotropic medium has birefringence with external magnetic field.
(37) The main polarization mode and coupling mode in PM fiber has some optical path difference because of internal birefringence.