ice tea造句 31. " It's pretty hot. Would you like an ice tea? " 32. This is supposed to be ice tea, but it tastes of sugared water. 33. The four of us grubbed and after drinking lots and lots of ice tea, the only other female and I hit the bathrooms. 34. Example: " Would you like some more ice tea or French fries? " 35. I was dying of thirst, and that cup of ice tea hit the spot. 36. Ice tea is now also sold prepackaged, by the bottle, at almost any store in America.英文造句incorporealincontrovertibleincontinentinconsequentialprecariouslywastewaterreservoirpassionateunder suspicionhiddenat a profitmillionschequeadvancingsubsidizeadvance bookingthrough toenfeebleensemblead infinitumsine qua nonlumberingattirepilgrimagelaudatorypasturehorticulturegreen revolutiondouble cropping