快好知 kuaihz

1 Its tallest volcano, long extinct, is Olympus Mons. 2 I'd rather be paid in Pok mon cards. 3 When are you gon na snorkel with us, mon? 4 I wish them a night as perfect as ours,[www.] mon amour. 5 Pass the spliff, mon. Word has it the band is compelling as hell in person. 6 The horrific La Mon massacre near Comber three years later claimed the lives of seven women. 7 During an ambush we sprung near Hoc Mon, I remember firing 25 to 30 rounds as fast as I could. 8 And the Gig Mon abattoir in Llangefni, Anglesey, owned by the same firm, is working at half capacity. 9 And the Pok mon series was among the industry's top-selling video games. 10 You can't directly buy Mini- Mons form us . 11 The Burmese treated the Mons as a subject race. 12 The summit of Mons Malapert, according to our calculations, always has the Earth and Shackleton Crater (at the lunar south pole ) in view for direct and continuous high-bandwidth communication. 13 The summit of Mons Malapert , according to our calculations, always has the Earth and Shackleton Crater in view for direct and continuous high-bandwidth communication. 14 The largest volcano found so far is Olympus Mons, a Martian peak that rises 27km high – three times taller than Everest. 15 I also signed several Memoranda of Notification (MONs) authorizing the CIA to use lethal force to apprehend bin Laden. 16 Olympus Mons is the largest known volcano in the solar system. It is three times taller than Earth's tallest mountain . 17 If our calculations are confirmed, Mons Malapert would offer great advantages for establishing a permanent foothold on the Moon. 18 ObjectiveDiscuss clinical effect of a treatment method of mons pubis scar. 19 External genitalia include the labia majora, labia minora, mons pubis, clitoris and so on. 20 Last year, Mr. Erdogan waved away retired Turkish ambassadors who criticized his foreign policy with the words "mons chers" (meaning "mes chers, " or my dears). 21 Upon her demise, this wealthy woman bequeathed her entire fortune to a prisoner by the name of Mons. 22 When her family contested the will, Agia ominously testified on behalf of Mons from her grave. 23 Once girls become sexually mature, the outer labia and the mons pubis are covered by pubic hair. 24 The dream that refuses to die is that one day humans will climb Olympus Mons, and descend into Marineris. 25 It is half the size of Earth, but home to what is probably the largest mountain in the solar system, the 16-mile-high Olympus Mons. 26 The fleet Command is co-located with Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) in Mons, Belgium, which exercises administrative control over the force. 27 I for one look forward to enjoying a "Vostok" atop Mars' Olympus Mons (but I promise to recycle the empties). 28 He said you were representing them for the Mini- Mons . 29 In recent years, a small group of researchers has begun to resurrect Otlet's reputation, republishing some of his writing and raising money to establish the museum and archive in Mons. 30 Standing like a wall behind some of the smaller islands is MONS PROMETHEUS, the largest of the floating mountains.