webster造句31. Would you ask noah webster to play boggle ?Would you ask jacques cousteau to play go fish?
32. The spellbinding summation Daniel Webster delivered at the trial was printed as part of an anthology of speeches later that year and sold to an admiring public.
33. Even today I see at Merriam Webster Unabridged the barest wisp of an entry. They point to the word stir.
34. The spelling book gave Webster the idea for a dictionary of American word usage.
35. His co-writer on the series is his third wife and fellow comic improviser, Suki Webster.
36. Webster points out that the higher the degree of resolution required, so that time of transmission is increased.
37. VOICE TWO: Tyler quickly established his independence after becoming president. Webster told him that President Harrison had let the cabinet make the decisions of his administration.
38. The definition of a half sister or brother, according to Webster, is a sibling with one shared biological parent.
39. Daniel Webster spoke to other members of the Senate. His speech was an appeal to both sides in the dispute.
40. This was something supported not only by the American lexicographer Noah Webster but by figures like Jefferson and Adams so there was no question of declaring an official language.
41. Daniel Webster, without even being asked, wrote an inaugural speech for the new president.
42. The settlers were later collectively referred to as the Forefathers; the term Pilgrim Fathers was applied to them by Daniel Webster at the Bicentennial celebration (1820).
43. Webster is retiring as head of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
44. Here is the song "Chelsea Bridge" from his favorite saxophonist musician Ben Webster.
45. Seward criticized Daniel Webster for speaking against the Abolition societies. He said such groups represented a moral movement that could not be stopped.
46. Webster and his supporters were Tyler's only real strength in the Whig Party outside of Virginia.
47. He will understand money , and make more than ever before, for himself, and for Webster Toys.
48. Offered second billing on the Whig Party ticket in 1848, Daniel Webster cracked, "I do not propose to be buried until I am dead."
49. President John Tyler wanted to make Texas a state in the Union. But his secretary of state, Daniel Webster, was cool toward the idea.
50. As identified by Professor Webster, a plant taxonomist in the United State, it was identical to the specie that was described by Blumberg in India.
51. Webster: Do you remember that huge earthquake disaster last year?
52. The Merriam Webster Unabridged Dictionary is the only source that I found that points further back than Latin in its etymology.
53. Canadian soldiers had crossed the Niagara River and burned a boat that was used to carry supplies to the rebels. Secretary of State Daniel Webster wanted peace with Britain.
54. Daniel Webster, the eloquent Senator from Massachusetts, was shareholder 296.
55. Noah Webster wanted to give his students an education that was strongly American.
56. All cabinet members, but one -- Daniel Webster -- resigned.
57. Mothods L dopa tests were conducted in 33 cases with PD, after UPDRS rating and Webster rating.
58. Tyler soon joined the states' rights Southerners in Congress who banded with Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and their newly formed Whig party opposing President Jackson.
59. Intriguingly, Dr Webster has found that haloperidol serves to reverse fatal feline attraction in rats.
60. Tony Webster, a cautious, divorced man in his 60s who "had wanted life not to bother me too much, and had succeeded, " receives an unexpected bequest from a woman he'd met only once, 40 years earlier.