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1. The Islamic calendar has fewer days than the Gregorian calendar. 2. The usual Gregorian year officially contains only 365 days. 3. The Catholic clergy became more exclusive as the Gregorian Reform was accomplished. 4. The music is as old as Gregorian chant and as fresh as a Disney soundtrack. 5. Others introduce Gregorian or modal material on high days and special occasions. 6. Computer science is a bit like a Gregorian chant a one-line melody changing state within larger scale sections. 7. All dates should be completed according to Gregorian Calendar. 8. Month: Means a Gregorian calendar month. 9. The Gregorian Chant: Which monks kept the beat. 10. Means a Gregorian calendar month. 11. The eighth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar. 12. Chapter Two tells of the music characteristics of Gregorian Chant. 12.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 13. Today's Gregorian calendar derives from the Babylonian, Egyptian, Jewish and Roman calendars. 14. The Gregorian calendar is not in harmony with the forces of nature. 15. Explanation: Welcome to the extra day in the Gregorian Calendar's leap year 2008! 16. In 1582 Pope Gregory XIII established the Gregorian calendar, which most of the world now observes, to account for an equinox inconvenience. 17. This is why Gregorian Chant has often been called a'sung Bible " 18. Music was introduced with antiphonal singing of psalms and later Gregorian chanting. 19. Some of the allure is a residue of the Gregorian chant mania of a few years ago. 20. He excelled in music and is one of the originators of Gregorian chants and the liturgical sequences. 21. All I know, like the protestors when the Julian became the Gregorian calendar, is that I must have missed something. 22. When he was about half-way he paused and whistled loudly like a blackbird that was attempting a Gregorian chant. 23. To avoid this error, set the appointment option to Gregorian instead of Lunar. 24. Year early in January 1987, No.2 is the number Gregorian calendar? Constellation? Love? 25. The musical novice is introduced to the ways in which music is put together and is taught how to listen to a wide variety of musical styles, from Bach and Mozart, to Gregorian chant, to the blues. 26. The first choral work ever existed was believed to be the Gregorian chant , unison plainsong sung in church services at the time of Pope Gregory I (590-640). 27. Because it features both vocal harmony and instrumental accompaniment, the music cannot be considered true Gregorian chant. 28. The fiscal year of The People's Bank of China begins on the first day of January and ends on the thirty-first day of December of the Gregorian calendar. 29. With the reform of the calendar under Charles IX, the Gregorian Calendar was introduced, and New Year's Day was moved to January 1. 30. He also takes courses in piano, organ, choral conducting, Gregorian chant, liturgy and Latin.