快好知 kuaihz

be incompatible with造句
1. His plan is incompatible with my intentions. 2. The hours of the job are incompatible with family life. 3. They feel strongly that their religion is incompatible with the political system. 4. Business interests are incompatible with public office. 5. Water is incompatible with fire. 6. His plan is incompatible with my intent. 7. Maintaining quality is incompatible with increasing output. 8. The laser printer is incompatible with the new computer. 9. Democracy is incompatible with excessive, bureaucratic regimentation of social life. 10. Any new video system that is incompatible with existing ones has little chance of success. 11. The very idea of dependency is incompatible with masculinity. 12. The argument that fixed costs are incompatible with scale economies is as follows. 13. Gummer admitted that current estimates of traffic growth, and hence traffic-related pollution, were incompatible with sustainability. 14. Sentimental comedy possesses several characteristics that are incompatible with the classic concept of tragedy and the tragic hero. 15. Monopolization required imperialism and both were incompatible with the political democracy represented by Weimar. 16. This would be incompatible with the tenure of life on Earth. 17. We are incompatible with them because they can not understand us or comprehend our heritage. 18. In addition, it explains various detailed observational facts which are incompatible with the older Newtonian scheme. 19. There were already rumors that the new astronomy was incompatible with Scripture, and he had already been denounced from the pulpit. 20. This would be incompatible with any form of neutrality or Western conceptions of non-alignment. 21. We consider H.264 to be incompatible with the open web platform due to its patent licensing. 22. If you must make a change that would be incompatible with a released version, for whatever reason,[http://] then there is a back door of temporarily disabling this constraint. 23. Some will be incompatible with others, for example, "Freedom" and "Tyranny. 24. Careful management can, however, mitigate such effects so that sporting activities do not have to be incompatible with conservation interests. 25. Bodies are selected to have properties ensuring growth and survival; these properties are likely to be incompatible with accurate replication. 26. But I think that whatever personal rule of life you may choose it should not, except in rare and heroic cases, be incompatible with happiness. 27. The modified expoxies, ie, those with plasticizers added to improve workability, were found to be incompatible with the fluorocarbon flotation fluids. 28. While roughly 60% of conjoined twins are delivered stillborn this condition has been shown not to be incompatible with relatively long lifespans. 29. Therefore, good-hearted person face's he is always giving steadily the human in the rich and powerful family to be incompatible with the feeling. 30. Finally, there is a chance that the form factor of the disks will be incompatible with the new hardware, completely ruling out this option altogether.