keep the peace造句31 The power elite will support another hereditary succession, to keep the peace, some analysts say.
32 Before the incident can escalate, T - Bag jumps in to keep the peace.
33 In April, I saw King Hussein and Prime Minister Netanyahu in an attempt to keep the peace process from falling apart.
33 Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
34 The peace - keeping troops try to keep the peace of that place.
35 It would create machinery to keep the peace as it destroys the machinery of war.
36 There is a multilateral agreement to keep the peace between the two countries.
37 Several officers of the law were on hand to keep the peace.
38 This would " keep the peace between Jew and Gentile Christians. "
39 Some 7,000 UN soldiers and 2,000 police, mainly from Latin America, keep the peace.
40 For the Olympic Games and the State to keep the peace, should be commended.
41 And that issue very simply stated is this: how can we keep the peace?
42 The magistrate said: " I shall bind you over to keep the peace. "
43 So how do you keep the peace between your pet and your other loved ones?
44 The peace - keeping troop try to keep the peace of that place.