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car window造句
31 Glen leant out of the car window and swore at the other driver. 32 Mahone smashes the car window with the pipe and he escapes from Wheeler and Lang. 33 Don't stick out your arm out of the car window. 34 No self-respecting cosmopolitan man looking for an evening of companionship is going to lean out his car window and call out to a woman at a traffic light. 35 Zhu Xiaomei , are staring at car window all the time outside, what to see? 36 Henry said through the car window, " Goodbye, Pam . Happy landings. " 37 I felt the car bump as the jack was removed, and I heard the slam of the trunk lid, and then they were standing at my car window. 38 I had to wind the car window down to hear what she was saying. 39 Look out of the car window, there's a sheep crossing the road! 40 I used to hide my cellphone in a deep pocket and carry a wallet filled with paper to hand over to motor scooter pirates at intersections if someone stuck a gun in the car window to rob me. 41 The sound for the movie comes from speakers that hook on to the car window. 42 A name he had seen out of the car window came swiftly to him. 43 Want the cops rapping on your car window with a billy club that nearly smashed the thing because you didn't move the car fast enough, then get patted down?