快好知 kuaihz

1 Gould rejected claims that he had acted irresponsibly. 2 Gould was helped in his researches by local naturalists. 3 Gould is a man of great industry. 4 Gould was an intensely private individual. 5 Mr Gould called for a move towards "one man one vote" 6 Mr Gould was given a standing ovation and loud cheers when he finished his speech. 7 To Gould, though, Lear's enterprise had distinct possibilities. 8 Mr Gould wrote to Mr Major demanding an inquiry. 9 Gould pushed his food around on his plate. 10 Gould stared off into a corner of the room. 11 For this alone, Gould deserves a vote of thanks. 12 Gould wrote in all these forms save opera, plus dance scores, film music, musicals and pops pieces. 13 Mr Smith's chief opponent, Mr Bryan Gould, does have an explanation. 14 What Lear revered in Gould - his remarkable business sense and financial efficiency - Gould probably found exasperatingly lacking in Lear. 15 As a result, plans were laid for Gould to join Sturt's surveying expedition to the Murray River later that year. 16 Only another woman, Mrs Gould, refused to be intimidated and stripped her finery away. 17 In two years Gould could not possibly hope to cover all the areas he guessed would prove rewarding. 18 If Gould was excited by these discoveries, we hear nothing of it. 19 It is only because Bryan Gould is standing for leader that the soft left of the Labour Party has found a voice. 20 Gould would also have angled for contacts who might help him with his prospective expedition. 21 For the first time Gould came up against the devastating effects of unlimited commercial exploitation. 22 Thus far, Gould has provided a restatement of the collateral or preliminary fact doctrine. 23 Perhaps the Labour pollster Philip Gould could see what one of his focus groups thinks. 24 The entire party, even the persistent Mr Gould, was forced to spend an entire day on board ship. 25 The author quotes Stephen Jay Gould, the noted Harvard scientist, to support his theories. 26 Gould organised the shipment of several complete bowers back to London, where they were put on display at the Zoological Society. 27 Gould discovered in this hardy, middle-aged explorer, a man of great charm and great ornithological ability. 28 In a corner of the room was the slight figure of Jay Gould. 29 It had been thought that Mr Prescott would replace Bryan Gould, the trade and industry spokesman. 30 Labour's election defeat has produced two contradictory responses, writes Bryan Gould.