快好知 kuaihz

critical shortage造句
1. Tucson now faces a critical shortage of workers for optics companies like Breault's. 2. There was a critical shortage of food then. 3. There was a critical shortage of food. 4. We already face a critical shortage of health-care personnel. 5. Responding to the critical shortage of trained health workers at all levels, the Emergency Plan supported training for 312,000 providers in its first eight months. 6. As Discovery News reports, thanks to a critical shortage last year, the price of the isotope helium-3 has skyrocketed from $150 per liter to $5, 000 per liter. 7. The farmers face a critical shortage of funds in education training. 8. Beijing's other environmental crisis—a critical shortage of water—will be somewhat alleviated in 2008 when it will begin receiving water piped in from four reservoirs in neighbouring Hebei province. 9. Coordinate with Procurement on material availability check and critical shortage priority setup. 10. Investigates its reason ; first, educational expenditure critical shortage; second, teachers serious insufficient. 11. Doctors' leaders joined calls for the Government to acknowledge that the outbreak had exposed a critical shortage of hospital beds. 12. Manganese ore resources are rich in China, yet with fewer rich ores but more low-grade ores, complex ores and fine refractory ores. rich ore resources are in critical shortage presently. 13. By providing feedback and timely responses we could provide critical shortage management to address the supply chain interruptions. 14. For 26 years Skow conducted freights between San Francisco and Salt Lake City and now runs steam-spotting tours to China—half as many as he used to, thanks to the critical shortage of steam engines. 15. Until relatively recently, such places were thought to have a critical shortage of businesspeople who could build companies. 16. At relief centres, no one complains outwardly, though they are suffering from a critical shortage of supplies. 17. A World Food Program spokeswoman, Emilia Casella, says people are suffering from a critical shortage of food. 18. The American Organization of Nurse Executives this week joined other national nursing organizations in applauding bipartisan legislation to address a critical shortage of nursing school faculty. 19. Since the social economy has been developing so fast in China, an increasing demand of water resources poses a great challenge due to the critical shortage of water resources in China. 20. New cell-based technologies are in the pipeline, however, and may finally get the support they need now that the United States is faced with a critical shortage of flu vaccine. 21. World Food Program spokeswoman, Emilia Casella, says people are suffering from a critical shortage of food. 22. The W.T.O. panel rejected China's argument that its restrictions were motivated by a desire to protect the environment and prevent a critical shortage of the materials. 23. Thus, on Mondays and Fridays , other problems were eclipsed by one enormous problem of keeping production going despite a critical shortage of people.