快好知 kuaihz

1. I directed the extinguisher at the fire without effect. 2. He doused the flames with a fire extinguisher. 3. The fire extinguisher directs foam onto the fire. 4. We've installed an extinguisher next to the cooker in case there is ever a fire. 5. Scrap wood left lying. 13. Fire extinguisher inaccessible. 14. 6. Nigel Gooch was hit with a fire extinguisher during the attack while he was on duty, just a few hours into 1992. 6.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 7. The fire extinguisher uses a chemical foam rather than water. 8. Always have a fire extinguisher handy when working with a blowlamp. 9. Bargeman: Does extinguisher remain on standby? 10. That's not art. It's a fire extinguisher. 11. Piping installation area should be fixed on fire extinguisher. 12. He aimed a fire extinguisher at me. 13. Suitable Extinguishing Media: Foam and powder extinguisher. 14. Someone set off a fire extinguisher. 15. Having seen the manual, he pick the extinguisher. 16. Where is a fire extinguisher? 17. A fire extinguisher is a fire - fighting implement. 18. We keep fire extinguisher downstairs in case of fire. 19. Fire extinguisher , please don't move it at will. 20. Please put fire extinguisher in position before refuelling. 21. There is a fire extinguisher on hand in case of a fire. 22. The newly developed extinguisher has been put into mass production. 23. You got the Fire Extinguisher! It uses halon canisters to put out fires. 24. Jack was not exactly popular after the incident with the fire - extinguisher. 25. She flew from room to room looking for the fire extinguisher. 26. His neck was broken when Sigsworth hit him with a fire extinguisher. 27. He turned to look out his door window, to make sure some one was posted there with a fire extinguisher. 28. The main material it sells includes: fire hydraulic giant, fire hose, indoor and outdoor fire hydrant, fire box 1211 and 302 fire extinguisher, etc. 29. Each racing car will be implemented with a fire extinguisher. 30. He had the intelligence to put the fire out with a fire extinguisher.