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time over造句
1, If I had my time over again , I'd probably do exactly the same things. 2, He had planned to take his time over the journey. 3, Leonora took her time over her lunch. 4, Ask for answers to be clarified Take your time over your questions and any discussion which follows. 5, This was the third time over a fairly short period. 6, At the current time over 1,000,000 men pay no contribution whatsoever towards the cost of raising their children. 7, Today, a third battle rages, this time over the portion of the Central Freeway that remains north of Market Street. 8, But I want to take my time over tackling up and savouring the prospect of the sport I hope to enjoy. 9, Peahens survey several males and take their time over their decision, allowing each to parade his tail to best advantage. 10, Liz took her time over washing, in order to give the child a chance to return to bed. 11, Albertina Sisulu Elderly people need to take more time over love-making and be less ambitious. 12, Don't waste any more time over it. 13, He toiled a long time over his watch. 14, Don't waste time over the things in either category. 15, I can't enjoy a hurried breakfast; I like to take my time over it. 16, Try to increase your attention span and extend the length of time over which you can work effectively. 17, At home Leeds were in more trouble with the authorities, this time over a dispute with Fulham. 18, Text chat is a generic term for communicating in real time over the Net using your keyboard to type messages. 19, The weather reports indicate that we may get a light snowfall some time over the next few days. 20, He saw the red flag come down for the final time over Red Square in Moscow. 21, So, I went to have a shower, took my time over it, shaved and dressed again. 22, That means you can surf the Net and talk on the phone at the same time over one line. 23, Among the hardest hit has been Aerospace, which faces a tough time over the next two to three years. 24, Nan wore the smart navy coat she had worn yesterday, but this time over a pale yellow wool dress. 25, You will probably become an addict and spend much time over the Christmas holiday on fringes for stoles and scarves as well! 26, By these we do not just mean that lots of people do research and take time over it. 27, It is widely distributed in space among different individuals, and widely distributed in time over many generations. 28, His overtime rate is double time for Saturday and all weekday time over 8 hours and treble time for Sunday working. 29, He was probably a worthy member of society, a good husband and father, an honest broker; but there was no reason to waste one's time over him. 30, The chart below shows processor utilization of both user and kernel time over the entire Throughput test.