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from nowhere造句
1. The car seemed to appear from nowhere. 2. A motorbike appeared from nowhere and I had to jam on the brakes. 3. A car came from nowhere, and I had to jump back into the hedge just in time. 4. They live miles from nowhere, in the middle of the countryside. 5. In the last few seconds, Gunnell came from nowhere to win another gold medal. 6. He came from nowhere, this rank outsider, to beat a field of top-class athletes. 7. A police officer appeared as if from nowhere and ordered us to halt. 8. The khaki scouts sprout in number, appearing from nowhere. 9. All these people seem to have appeared from nowhere. 10. Just then, Gillian appeared as if from nowhere. 11. She saw it fly out from nowhere, its wings flashing black, then white. 12. A million miles from nowhere, is better than going nowhere, a million times.Anthony Liccione 13. He had sprung out at her from nowhere, not even giving her the time to brace herself against him. 14. A cordon of stagehands appeared from nowhere and surrounded me as I stepped out of the car. 15. It came from nowhere and gripped me. As it turned out, it was true. 16. A gray sedan appeared from nowhere in the fast lane. 17. Then a speedy convergence of vehicles from nowhere, one of them a taxi converted into an ambulance. 18. In the last seconds of the race, he came from nowhere and won. 19. She looked about in the faint hope that Simon might magically appear from nowhere. 20. We were trotting along the lane when a car suddenly appeared from nowhere and almost made me fall off my pony. 21. Every time there is an accident, a crowd seems to gather from nowhere. 22. I remembered then that his utopian society in News from Nowhere had converted the Houses of Parliament into a dung market! 23. This moment seemed to have swooped down on him from nowhere. 24. It was Beatty's first movie and he was sprung from nowhere into the superstar bracket. 25. A deckhand on the ferry from Brooklyn whistled the tune, and the words floated up from nowhere. 26. There was something curiously menacing in the repetitive drumbeats that seemed to come from nowhere. 27. That was a really exciting moment, I felt as though I'd come from nowhere to a big event. 28. When the fighting broke out, Berlin had come almost from nowhere to become a world-class culture centre. 29. The image will seem to magically appear on screen from nowhere. 30. The man with the straw hat put it on his head and produced a lighted cigar from nowhere.