great care造句(31) In addition Bill has taken great care to create structure and all the year round interest with shrubs and conifers.
(32) When carrying out the operation, doctors have to take great care not to damage the delicate nerves endings.
(33) Honda uses great care to make the goals reasonable and attainable, and the top leaders are especially sensitive in that regard.
(34) None the less, great care is taken in organisations to ensure that the membership is identified and kept under review.
(35) Taking great care where she placed her feet, she trod softly down the stairs.
(36) These things happen to the most confident of video users and the gremlins always seem to choose their moment with great care.
(37) Take great care not to delete any semi-colons,[www.] vertical bars etc.
(38) They took great care and were concentrating on a small area, trying hard not to tread on the bones.
(39) In some stores, great care has gone into making that transformation pleasant.
(40) Great care must be exercised in deciding whether or not data fits a logistic curve.
(41) Be careful with toxic substances and always follow the directions on the bottles with great care.
(42) Great care and attention should be given during transplantation as the plants are very fragile.
(43) Great care is taken to ensure the accuracy of each item.
(44) Carotid sinus massage should be done with great care in patients for whom this diagnosis is suspected.
(45) Heavily stocked or overfed tanks suffer the most and nitrate levels can quickly rise out of control if great care is not taken.
(46) To succeed, you needed to take great care that you peaked just as the winning-post hove into view.
(47) Great care must be taken to ensure that the line of palms do not look like some modern Forestry Commission plantation.
(48) I took great care with my appearance before my next session with the hypnotherapist.
(49) Brown has taken great care not to spook the City.
(50) He began to weigh his words with great care, struggling to express himself as economically and clearly as possible.
(51) Take great care when uploading personal information such as your address or credit card number.
(52) But take great care lighting stoves - tents are highly flammable.
(53) I always take great care with diets, so I don't lose too much weight too quickly.
(54) An audit of unplanned pregnancies seen in one practice also emphasised the need for great care in counselling people using the pill.
(55) The advice is, therefore, pick your pear varieties with great care.
(56) Great care must be taken in complying with the requirements for advance disclosure.
(57) Making international comparisons Great care should be taken in using real output percapita figures to compare different countries' standards of living.
(58) Great care was taken in the design of the control panel and the instruments mounted on it.
(59) More experiments on more lymphoma-bearing mice followed, and the doses likely to achieve the best effect were assessed with great care.
(60) George is very kind and caring and took great care over Lennie.