快好知 kuaihz

point of honor造句
1. I regard it as a point of honor always to keep my promises. 2. It was no point of honor. 3. It was a point of honor with the Indian warrior to redeem his word, when pledged to return and meet at his death at a given hour. 4. It is point of honor with us to keep the promise. 5. Ex: It was a point of honor with the washwoman to return the wash to its rightful owner. 6. It was a point of honor with him to avenge any insult to his family. 7. It is a point of honor with Jesus to seek and to save all the flock, without a single exception. 8. A prearranged , formal combat between two persons, usually fought to settle a point of honor. 9. They select vehicle's most important factor are the chassis want "in a big way", are the solution point of honor, next is the nitpicking comfortableness and the convenience disposes many. 10. Constancy in love is of two kinds: one comes from continually finding new things to love in the beloved, and the other from making it a point of honor to remain constant.