快好知 kuaihz

1. He had given a mightily impres-sive performance. 2. I was mightily relieved when we landed at Manchester airport. 3. He feigned disappointment. Secretly, he was mightily relieved. 4. We have struggled mightily to win back lost trade. 5. She strove mightily to put Mike from her thoughts. 6. He struck it mightily with his sword. 7. The good news pleased the family mightily. 8. He spent ten years struggling mightily with the bureaucracy. 9. We laboured mightily to rebuild the walls. 10. They complained mightily about the way they had been treated. 11. Taylor has struggled mightily to help her daughter. 12. The country has changed mightily in recent years. 13. Trondur hauled in mightily on the harpoon line. 14. Ipswich chief George Burley was mightily relieved after five defeats. 15. Activity in the slate quarries continues with a mightily impressive new route at Hodge Close from Paul Cornforth. 16. It was mightily impressive bowling by any standards, and with his left hand in plaster it was quite remarkable. 17. Alex grinned mightily, so proud of her he seemed about to explode. 18. Although the emperor was mightily embarrassed when he realized he was parading naked, he preferred knowing the truth. 19. Aenarion rose and smote the daemon mightily, cleaving its head in two and shearing its arm from its body. 20. Both offer unexpected views of Evans, swinging mightily through standards, modern classics and originals. 21. We were mightily pleased at winning. 22. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed. 23. There are others who often do not leave their cars but are mightily impressed without recognising the various summits by name. 24. Those digital channels revert to the federal government in 2002 for an auction that will contribute mightily to the balanced-budget plan. 25. But hardly able to stand such an insult, she returns, mightily testing both his faith and his pocketbook. 26. So, after choked phone calls back to Liverpool, I was mightily relieved to touch down at Manchester Airport. 27. The mist also shrouded the fish and we thrashed away mightily, to no avail. 28. Among others, the work of two pairs of designers is still mightily influential in California design. 29. Despite his frailty he represented virility, he got results, he at least reacted mIghtily. 30. Then you see the massive lobbying efforts by those who simultaneously are contributing mightily.