what is called造句61. The clay-like minerals, called phyllosilicates, suggest water interacted with rocks dating back to what is called the Noachian period on Mars, about 4.6 billion to 3.8 billion years ago.
62. Whether he realizes it or not, that kind of hard-nosed, chip-toothed frugality is exactly what is called for in these economically tossed times.
63. One of the new pope's primary areas of concern is likely to be what is called Europe's silent apostasy, the sharp decline in Catholic Church attendance and religious observance.
64. NRC If you get into trouble the NRC can issue what is called a Confirmatory Action Letter which basically says you must do this by such and such a time or you'll be shutdown.
65. You may be hearing our broadcast on what is called short wave. These are frequencies between three thousand and thirty thousand kilohertz. They are often called megahertz.
66. What is called nettle rash? Very urticant! Probably how long can be good!
67. This one - hectare area is bordered by what is called the Shoulder Hedge.
68. Tuesday, the Fed said it will make short - term loans by purchasing what is called commercial paper.
69. Instead, very unusually, we seek what is called a special verdict – a verdict of not guilty by reason of insanity.
70. First, the plaintiff's attorney questions the witness in what is called direct examination.
71. Once the initial has been removed, another cancer may appear in a different part of the stomach, in what is called a metachronous cancer.
72. What is called love is just an inborn instinct; if one can not understand the amativeness in his whole life, how can he understand his life?
73. In salamanders, the blood vessels contract quickly and limit bleeding when a limb is cut. Skin cells quickly cover the wound and form what is called a blastema.
74. Some people act out their anger in what is called Active Aggression.
75. This ethnic group settled near Fort Gary , the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba what is called today.
76. The result is what is called Anglo - Saxon or Old English.
77. What gave rise in the Western world to what is called "hermeneutics" was in fact the Protestant Reformation.
78. In these cases, what is called for is asynchronous processing.
79. What is called unidirectional circuit is a circuit whose branches airflow directions are uniform.
80. The paucity of self-control, the abundance of self-indulgence together with what is called narcissism make the situation worse.
81. In this sense the word denotes more properly the home of a strictly monastic order, and is not correctly used to designate the home of what is called a congregation.
82. The core idea in my own theory of the emergence of collectively autocatalytic sets is simple and involves what is called a phase transition in a “random graph”.