快好知 kuaihz

1) Professor Oswald takes a sightly more lenient view. 2) Oswald was much admired by his contemporaries at the Academy. 3) Oswald stood at the white line, looking away. 4) Oswald and admired his political maturity. 5) Oswald was handing out leaflets in the street. 6) Oswald thought he might be making a calendar. 7) Eight months later Oswald Martin was surprised to be invited for tea at the Major's home. 8) Whether Eowa was in alliance with Oswald in 642 or 643, it is impossible to say. 9) Oswald ran past the chicken wire, turned into the cell block, stopped at the white line. 10) Oswald and his wife Jenny have been selling wet fish from their stall for 45 years. 11) Then I was pushed against Sir Oswald, whom I saw trying to free himself. 12) Citizen Oswald came to town wearing his dark tie, cashmere sweater and gray flannel suit. 13) Oswald was seen running away from the building just after the shooting. 14) Oswald lay still, aware of a drone in the block, a heaving breath, grimness, massive sleep. 15) It occurred to Oswald that everyone called the prisoner by his full name. 16) One day later Lee H.. Oswald, with a just-shaved look, set out by train for this place Minsk. 17) Oswald got to his feet, approached the white line, stood staring at the urinal. 18) Tishkevich, the personnel chief, told Citizen Oswald that his performance as a regulator was unsatisfactory. 19) Before Sir Oswald could do anything but lift his arm up, a man swung his arm round Sir Oswald's neck. 20) Two guards came down the passageway, brushed past Oswald and entered the cell. 21) Booth and Oswald were assassinated before their trials. 22) Lee Harvey Oswald , a short time later. 23) Kennedy's assassin is assumed to have been Lee Harvey Oswald. 24) But conspiracy theorists have argued over the years that Oswald was an agent manipulated by Moscow. 25) More important, perhaps, was the confluence of stimuli which activated the revolt of Sir Oswald Mosley against the political establishment. 26) No word. Not a single sign he even knew Oswald was alive. 27) It was from here, in 1959, that she effectively attended an Oswald Mosley rally. 28) He would state all these things and would add that Citizen Oswald takes no part in the social life of the shop. 29) Historians are surely right to mistrust over-enthusiastic explorers like Oswald Spengler or Arnold Toynbee. 30) There was a draft card in the name Lee H.. Oswald.