be described as造句31. Indeed, any new policy may be described as having a ripple effect.
32. His aim might unkindly be described as the creating of rococo tragedy with Aristotle's support.
33. Some LEAs have long collated information obtained from schools in such a way that the results might be described as performance indicators.
34. If the battle against inflation is primary, central bankers will be described as the most important economic players in the game.
35. Not that it could be described as light reading; there is a lot of heavily theoretical material within its pages.
36. I think that the case is based upon what nowadays would be described as a legitimate expectation of being heard.
37. The equilibrium at Oi l can, therefore, be described as a stable one.
38. But Forbes' state organization can still be described as bare bones.
39. The school holds over 2, 500 young people in a massive brick structure that can only be described as foreboding.
40. Her career is entering what can only be described as its golden age.
41. A further complaint may lead to a written warning, which will sometimes be described as final.
41. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday!
42. Perhaps Jobs should simply be forgiven for what can most kindly be described as an immature leadership style.
43. Not for the stuffy - white collars and ties are irrelevant and the atmosphere could be described as flamboyantly casual.
44. Aromatherapy is the only healing art which could be described as creative in an artistic sense.
45. Neither of them could be described as a sobering influence.
46. It could be described as the Fordist method of international political regulation.
47. Temperament can be described as the general consistency with which an individual reacts to certain situations.
48. Although it holds grand cru status Beaumont-sur-Vesle can in no way be described as a great growth.
49. The food could be described as healthy, rather than refined.
50. Salts can be described as a collection of ions held together by their mutual electrostatic attraction.
51. At 300dpi the quality achieved with photographs can generally be described as poor to awful.
52. A second preoccupation evident in these papers is responsibility, and what could roughly be described as the ethical dimension of conceptualisation.
53. Therefore, the lighting that had been installed to provide a normal level of additional illumination could not be described as plant.
54. The hotel features a lovely dining room overlooking the lake, where the view can truly be described as spectacular.
55. More accurately, the apathy and futility can be described as schizoid aloofness.
56. But no amphibian can truthfully be described as nimble and for hunting they have to rely on something other than agility their tongue.
57. People often ask my parents how they managed to raise nine kids, all of whom can be described as hard working.
58. A hospital spokesman said: Paul is still ill, but can now be described as stable.
59. This was what today would be described as a prestigious event.
60. Nor could the vaunted irrigation scheme be described as an unqualified success.