of old造句(181) These might consist of old ocean crust or material from one of the boundary layers.
(182) The voluntary contribution Voluntary organizations are particularly active in the care of old people.
(183) Oxford and Cambridge undergraduates receive the benefit of advice from special committees of old University men.
(184) The place was losing the look of old photographs. Reinforced concrete was gaining the light.
(185) A pair of waving ginger hairs appeared in the corner of a mouth the colour of old putty.
(186) Pessimism about the nature of old age is perhaps the greatest enemy of a happy and fulfilled old age.
(187) They consider, interalia, the position of old people in regard to health and housing provision.
(188) The instruments are made of old oil drums, and after months of practice, they've given their first concert.
(189) It is not uncommon to hear of old women who are cross when asked to perform domestic tasks in residential care!
(190) The backs of old envelopes may be good enough for shopping lists but scrappy notes are worse than none.
(191) The monks of old began a tradition of growing aromatic herbs which still survives.
(192) Houses were shoulder-high, made of old packing crates and strips of sheet metal,[http:///of old.html] the walls stuffed with cardboard and rags.
(193) In several of their letters, Hartley and Burns, commiserated about the problems of old age.
(194) We underline the importance of human contacts in overcoming the legacy of old divisions. 15.
(195) Tim's father is an avid collector of old blues and jazz records.
(196) Above the tangled knots of old fishing-nets, still supported by their floats, always hovered seabirds, waiting for a meal.
(197) If you ask tourists, the alleyways are a quaint remnant of old Chinatown.
(198) It was warm brown hair, the color of old honey.
(199) Huge pyres of old railway sleepers and fence posts are being built to burn the bodies.
(200) Absent are the smells of Old Spice, sweat and fingerprint ink of the homicide bureau.
(201) Is the high-performance approach materially different, or is it just a new label for a set of old ideas?
(202) Strips of old carpet had been laid down in rows, like pews.
(203) A few of the wealthier ones died of old age or cancer or heart attacks, but not many.
(204) Fourthly, the current global-health situation is a complex and challenging mixture of old and new health problems.
(205) They ofren grew on the sites, indeed out of the debris, of old refugee camps.
(206) At the same time, this adherence to the remnants of old political beliefs can add to the complication of government.
(207) Stein-am-Rhein Cars are banned from its cobbled streets, which are flanked by a positively intoxicating profusion of old buildings.
(208) It was a posh place with high fencing; some kind of old baronial hail.
(209) Sandra paints from photographs she takes of old, often derelict buildings.
(210) Our stuff may be any combination of old and new, used or unused, practical, sentimental or frivolous.