快好知 kuaihz

1. His room was jam-packed with fruit, flowers, gifts etc. 2. The place was jam-packed with tourists. 3. The streets were jam-packed with tourists. 4. The train was jam-packed with commuters. 5. Vacationists jam-packed the train. 6. Gloria's closet is jam-packed with designer clothes. 7. Communications were no doubt temporarily dislocated: our jam-packed train had been halted during the night owing to an air raid in the region. 8. The fourth and fifth were already jam-packed, people standing in the aisles, body to body. 9. However, all the cars were already jam-packed and had skis strapped in every imaginable position. 10. As with all Dizzy games, Crystal Kingdom is jam-packed with perplexing puzzles to solve. 11. This town, is a bustling holiday resort with a large, busy harbour and a jam-packed beach. 12. We leave the boma which is jam-packed, seething with cattle. 13. I got to the chemist five minutes before closing time and the place was jam-packed with the elderly and respectable.