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make love造句
1. Make love not war. 2. He wanted to make love to her. 3. He refused to make love before they were married. 4. She never expected him to make love to her there. 5. Parisians can cook. Parisians can make love. 6. They make love in the pigsty, to the sound of grunting and squealing from the occupants. 7. Next time we make love I want it perfect, with all the time in the world for each other. 8. When Harry and Kate make love, which is frequently, they go in for lots of lighted candles. 9. Would they make love all day at some hot, steamy house somewhere in this glittering cosmopolitan city? 10. Races insult each other, and make war, and make love, and they may mix these activities up. 11. Those options are limited: shoot, kill, make love, deceive, ambush -- that sort of thing. 12. He discovered this every time he wanted to make love to her. 13. He absolutely ached to make love to Rachel, he would have done anything to see her naked. 14. And yet another moral occurs to me now: Make love when you can. It's good for you.Kurt Vonnegut 15. Anyway it was make love not war and that kind of thing seemed to go along with it, y'know. 16. Not all people who make love want to have a baby. 17. They go to bed and make love, more passionate love than at any other time of their lives. 18. To make love to a girl-a student. Human physical weakness stronger than the mind. 19. Duck? make love with gril? and can get money? 20. Martin and Mandy make love in the airplane bathroom. 21. Did that mean she might again touch her children, make love, cook dinner, dance? 22. When my husband comes home he always wants to make love but I don't. 23. It was probably because she was always so reluctant to let him make love to her, she decided. 24. And Lucy knew they were there to be lovers, Jay knew like her heartbeat that they would make love. 25. Only once or twice did he ever become aroused enough for them to make love. 26. They lie on a mattress in the living room and make love by candlelight. 27. Is he so bloody potent that he can thump you and make love to you and you let him do it? 28. Unfortunately, if I raise any objections, he just refuses to make love at all. 29. She might just as well have stuck a neon sign on her head, inviting him to make love to her. 30. Find a coal-eyed, muscular Provo with a set jaw and angry brow, and make love to him.