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mouse button造句
61. When the pointer looks like an I - beam, release the mouse button. 62. If you are clicking in data, the left mouse button generally means selecting. 63. The right mouse button always brings up a pop-up menu, with various choices. 64. Double - click To click a mouse button twice in rapid succession. 65. Clicking a cell, object, or chart item with the right mouse button displays a shortcut menu containing the Clear command. 66. Click the button to the right of the Mouse button pressed field to display the Assign Macro dialog. 67. The two control points are manipulable , the first by pressing the left mouse button and moving the mouse, the second by pressing the right mouse button and moving the mouse. 68. First release the mouse button to complete the draw shapes, and then release the SHIFT key. 69. Detect the mouse button click in a listbox along with its coordinates. 70. For example, a console input buffer handle is signaled when there is unread input, such as a keystroke or mouse button click.