快好知 kuaihz

1. These years, along with the lucubrating on trueborn quality of Chinese herb and the popularization of Chinese herb GAP, the significance of research on eco-environment of Chinese herb is revealed. 2. Especially to learn English. For the starters, the trueborn pronunciation will help them to have a steady basic. 3. The RAPD technology provided the biological essential of trueborn medicine in the molecular level. 4. Conclusion:It should be further studied whether trueborn medicinal materials be placed by transplanted ones. 5. When another of Aegon's Great Bastards tried to seize the Iron Throne from his trueborn half-brother, Bittersteel joined the revolt. 6. Objective To reveal the effect of ecological environment on trueborn quality of rhizoma of Alisma orientate from molecular level. 7. Suitable eco-environment is not only the important factor to produce high-quality trueborn herb but also the standard that the Chinese herb GAP base must be up to. 8. Method:The properties, atlas of GC of transplanted medicinal materials were analyzed, in comparison with that of trueborn ones. 9. She says speech fast strange fast, a fluent Beij ing film, your person can'ts help hitt ing her trueborn admires in heart " ma inland is changed " .