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31. The effects of zymosan-activated plasma (ZAP)on lung fluid exchange and superoxide anion production by granulocytes were studied in 8 conscious goats with chronic lung lymph fistula. 32. Scavenging activities of seven natural flavonoids from elsholtzia bodinieri anion and artemisia ordosica kraschen for superoxide anion radicals was studied by single-sweep oscillopolarography. 33. Objective To discuss the effect of hyperbaric oxygen(HBO) on severe cerebral damage patients and on their lactoperoxidase(LPO) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) levels. 34. Peroxynitrite (ONOO") is the production of interreaction between NO and superoxide anion, which possesses strong oxidizing property." 35. The estimated antioxidant enzymes were superoxide dismutase, ascorbate per oxidase, catalase, per oxidase and polyphenol oxidase. The analyses were carried out in the field-collected samples. 36. Antioxidant performance of extracts of seabuckthorn leaves was investigated with hydroxyl free radical system and superoxide anion free radical system. 37. Human superoxide dismutase (SOD) was labelled with high specific radioactivity by conjugating to an 125I-iodinizated acylating agent. 38. The activity technology is proved by medical research that the superoxide dismutase (SOD) can eliminate excessive free radicals in the human body, and delay senility and the appearance of age pigment. 39. The activity of superoxide dismutase(SOD)in several and both sexes of Silkies and Beijing Fatty Chickens was detemined with the NBT colorimetry. 40. Methods:Single sweep oscillopolarogaphy was applied to determine the superoxide radical that was produced by the autoxidation of pyrogallol. 41. As a molecular clock and genetic marker, superoxide dismutase has been widely used in evolutionary studies, population genetics, and identification of different strains in the same species. 42. Objective:To investigate the relation between endogenous digitalis like substances(EDLS) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) in patients with damage of micrangium. 43. Hazelnut shell brown pigment oxidation in vitro experiments showed that the pigment had scavenging effects on hydroxyl radical, superoxide anion radical and aliphatic radicals on lipid-per oxidation. 44. UV illumination induced the oxidative impairment of fluoranthene to nauplii. Peroxidase (POD) was more sensitive than superoxide dismutase (SOD) to photo-induced toxicity of fluoranthene. 45. Superoxide dismutase is an ubiquitous antioxidant enzyme in aerobic organisms. 46. The superoxide theory is proposed by Biophysicist Klaus Schulten of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, lead author of the study and a pioneer in avian magnetoreception. 47. It was found that the circulating granulocytes were activated and the superoxide anion production was markedly enhanced after the infusion of ZAP. 48. Antioxidant activity of extracts from Isatis Indigotica was investigated with the method of scavenging hydroxyl and superoxide anion free radical. 49. The pyrogallol autoxidation assay for superoxide dismutase(SOD)was partly improved to make it simpler, save time and reagents. The kinetics of this reaction was also primarily studied. 50. The phagocytic activities of fish blood cell, the antibacterial activities, bacteriolytic activities and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities of fish serum were determined. 51. Green tea polyphenols in the free radical scavenging ability, they have a strong superoxide anion radical scavenging effect. 52. In addition, can increase the red blood cell counts and hemoglobin content, enhance the vitality of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase and improve the ability of antioxidation. 53. At last, using the hydroxyl radical system, superoxide radical system, the antioxidation activities of crocetin and crocetin dimethyl ester were studied and compared with BHT. 54. The level of malonic dialdehyde (MDA) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) in serum were measured with absorption spectrometry. 55. Objective:To study the influence of Ginkgo biloba exocarp polysaccharides(GBEP) on serum superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity and malondialdehyde(MDA) level in mice under different states. 56. CONCLUSION: Anti-oxidative activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase in rats with vascular dementia were decreased, and the oxidative reaction in vivo was enhanced. 57. Cenma Yizhi Capsule can improve the oxidative status through enhancing the activities of superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase, and has therapeutic effects on vascular dementia. 58. Main Ingredients: deionized water, collagen active albumen peptide, multiple cell-repairing factor, biological humectant, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and vegetal amino acid. 59. According to medical experts'study the analysis, Qianlong Xianmao Liquor contains Superoxide dismutase ( SOD ). 60. Effects of sucrose fatty acid ester (SFE) on the activity of Superoxide Dismutase(SOD), chlorophyll and yield of soybean (Glycine max. ) had been studied.