快好知 kuaihz

1. Amativeness, that is, love, and the nervous system, are in the most perfect mutual sympathy. 2. Today is the souvenir of our amativeness... 3. The tragedy of amativeness not only made the author sympathized towards them and also became the topic for discussing nowadays. 4. Conclusion The teenager's concept of amativeness eagerly need to be guided. 5. Chronically, youth conception of amativeness and marriage, marital practice has been the issues that caused extensive social concerning. 6. The tragedy of amativeness not only made the author alsothe topic for discussing nowadays. 7. The amativeness in especially is an important problem in youth research. 8. Two years ago, I still believed amativeness was just something randomly. 9. Chocolate contains a kind of chemistry substance which is named phenyl. (when have amativeness , this kind substance can be made out by brain. 10. The opportunity will be given to the people that well prepared, but so many university students just prepare for amativeness and games. 11. Freud presented to the audience the complicated motivation hiding behind Dora's hysteria, multi-triangular amativeness, and homosexual secrets. 12. However, these images possess some common characteristics, such as restrictive living space, humble moral character, passive role in amativeness and marriage. 13. The deficiency of social environment became deadly obstacle of free amativeness between students. 14. Yes, Lijiang is a place that you can think about nothing at all but makes your heat beat, making an amativeness may become very simple. 15. He got married with his girlfriend after 5 years of amativeness. 16. The boys undergraduate stress source involve worry of obtaining employment , the degree of leaning intensity , amativeness matters , health condition etc. 17. I thought Imight be forgotten by Xiaobai and should find someone who wear a pair of glasses shoes in the napkin vehicle and start up a new amativeness . 18. Firstly, in that society, "Ceremony does not descend to the common people", so free love was widespread among the folk, and many poems were about amativeness, missing each other, sweat date etc. 19. Results The emotion problem is the most serious problem and in the next place is interpersonal relations and studies, and the amativeness. 20. What is called love is just an inborn instinct; if one can not understand the amativeness in his whole life, how can he understand his life? 21. The third difficulty is the sensibilities' indulgence. The behavior of the network affections and the network amativeness are the most astonished.