快好知 kuaihz

rate of interest造句
1. They charge the usual rate of interest. 2. You could earn a higher rate of interest elsewhere. 3. Our investment accounts return a high rate of interest. 4. These shares return a good rate of interest. 5. My investments return a high rate of interest. 6. The account offers a poor rate of interest. 7. They need to have a high rate of interest in order to pull in money from investors. 8. The banks are lending money at a competitive rate of interest. 9. The nominal rate of interest has two components. 10. In Figure 16.9, equilibrium is achieved with a rate of interest re and a quantity of money Me. 11. If the rate of return exceeds the rate of interest, the investment will be profitable. 12. The higher the current market rate of interest, the lower will be the market price of existing bonds. 13. The current rate of interest is shown on the enclosed table. 14. They pay a slightly lower rate of interest on money at call than they earn by discounting bills. 15. The rate of interest on a new loan is referred to as the nominal interest rate. 16. As banks charge a higher rate of interest on borrowings than they offer on savings, you will be better off. 17. You borrow at a fixed rate of interest and repay the loan over a number of years. 18. Since gilts pay a fixed annual rate of interest, you would be locking in a higher return before the rate cut. 19. At what rate of interest will the Bank provide assistance when next it is asked? 20. The trust paid a rate of interest to its owners. 21. The moneylender has been bleeding me white with high rate of interest. 22. Make sure you put out your savings at a high rate of interest. 23. You can take a gamble on getting a higher rate of interest by putting it into high - risk shares. 24. The speculative demand becomes virtually infinite at this minimum rate of interest. 25. For a thrift manager to make a thirty-year home loan, he had to accept a rate of interest of 10 percent. 26. The implicit assumption is that investors can borrow and lend at the riskless rate of interest. 27. The excess supply of money in the domestic money market will push down the rate of interest. 28. It is derived by subtracting the inflation rate from the market rate of interest. 29. The highest yields are from a risky bet, while security means a lower rate of interest. 30. They could not pay back even quite small sums, since the rate of interest exceeded their earnings.