快好知 kuaihz

be destined for造句
1. The money was destined for the relief of poverty, but was diverted by corrupt officials. 2. The shipment is destined for America. 3. The flight was destined for Cairo. 4. Those books were destined for her. 5. Everyone knew that Muriel was destined for great things. 6. She knew she was destined for a great future. 7. These cars are destined for the European market. 8. The shipment is destined for London. 9. She was destined for an acting career. 10. She is destined for an extremely successful career. 11. The ship is destined for New York. 12. She was destined for greatness. 13. The meat was destined for the home market. 14. He was destined for a military career, like his father before him. 15. The freighter was free of the harbour and was destined for Tokyo. 16. Most are destined for the chop. 17. The girls seemed to be destined for prostitution. 18. Any phone company that puts loyalty above flexibility is destined for the morgue. 19. Rotten meat and all cadavers of Stealer kin were destined for furnaces. 20. And so he had received the call-which anyway had been destined for the wrong man. 21. The two-day affair at Hampton Roads attracted worldwide attention and was destined for inclusion among the great naval battles history. 22. But that last item may be destined for oblivion. 23. Although it seems that he may not be destined for the great things in life his mother wishes he"ll achieve, McDull never gives up." 24. Although Android may be destined for ubiquity in China, it's clear that it won't be Google calling the shots. 25. It is to be destined for a glory that reflects the glory of God our Father and Jesus our elder Brother. 26. It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar. 27. Senderos came to Arsenal in the winter of 2002 from Swiss club Servette and was believed to be destined for great things. 28. Men possessing the Roman nose, wide set eyes and flared nostrils could be destined for wealth and business success. 29. Every warrior's boot used in battle and every garment rolled in blood will be destined for burning, will be fuel for the fire. 30. If this were the entirety of "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, " this book would not be destined for major best sellerdom.