快好知 kuaihz

moving in造句
1 The police are moving in on the criminals hiding in the hills. 2 They are moving in a pincer movement to cut the republic in two. 3 Important changes are moving in on the industry. 4 When are you moving in? 5 A cold front is moving in from the north. 6 Forces were moving in on the town of Knin. 7 Enemy submarines were moving in for the kill. 8 He rented a colour TV soon after moving in. 9 Important changes are moving in on the coal industry. 10 Government troops are moving in on the rebel stronghold. 11 You're moving in very exalted circles! 12 Another low is moving in from the Atlantic. 13 I made out three figures moving in the distance. 14 I could hear someone moving in the room above. 15 A few leaves were moving in the wind. 16 On moving in they threw a huge house-warming party. 17 The leaves were moving in the breeze. 18 They ran together, their legs moving in unison. 19 These black models are moving in on what was previously white territory: the lucrative cosmetic contracts. 20 The convoy is moving in the direction of the capital. 21 At least things are moving in the right direction now. 22 The plan should boost employment and get things moving in the economy. 23 The negotiations seem to be moving in the right direction. 24 Check that everything is in good repair before moving in, as you have to replace breakages. 25 The conversation is awkward, moving in fits and starts. 26 Ace was already moving in his direction. 27 By 1633 he was already moving in court circles. 28 The storm is moving in a westerly direction. 29 New owners will have to wait until September before moving in. 30 Both men had just begun to swim towards the shore, when they noticed with dismay that the speed-boat was moving in a circle.