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east china sea造句
1) The Yangtze River falls into the East China sea. 2) The Yangtse discharges into the East China Sea. 3) The Changjiang River empties into the East China Sea. 4) Beyond the East China Sea lies Japan. 5) A breakthrough on the East China Sea also vital. 6) Under exploration and development among the East China Sea shelf is rich in oil and gas. 7) Dong - woo machinery company in the East China Sea coast of Yuyao City, Hemudu industrial zone. 8) Thermal conductivity data set from wells in East China Sea Shelf was studied in detail, it is suggested that thermal conductivity of mudstone, siltstone and sandstone can be different. 9) The fast generation of this undulation over the East China Sea is the result of the depression, which was generated from the north trough moving southeasterly in conjunction with the south trough. 10) We lived in a town house, with a spectacular view of the East China Sea. 11) Could a solution to Japan's economic malaise be just across the East China Sea? 12) Q: ( Asahi Shinbun ) Japan is considering salvaging the boat sunken last year in East China Sea. 13) The power balance in the South China Sea also has an enormous impact on security in Japan's surrounding waters,[http:///east china sea.html] namely the East China Sea and Philippine Sea. 14) A nested numerical storm surge forecast model for the East China Sea is developed. 15) Based on the professional bottom trawl monitoring data in the East China Sea from 2001 to 2005, the resource status and biomass distribution of wart perch Psenopsis anomala were primarily analyzed. 16) Frequently the mouth title Xishan's branch and the stone, use for to pad East China Sea. 17) The ship was observed collecting electronic intelligence (ELINT) off the coast of Japan during February 2000, shortly before several PLA Navy warships conducted an exercise in the East China Sea area. 18) There are only a few long cores drilled and studied on the outer continental shelf of the East China Sea with water depth more than 50m, core EA01is one of them with many indexes analyzed. 19) We are deeply concerned with the situation in the East China Sea. 20) This paper analysed characters of geophysical fields, tectonics and geodynamics of eastern of Chinese continent and East China Sea region. 21) A HERD of feral goats on a tiny unpopulated island in the East China Sea live in blissful unawareness of a diplomatic storm brewing around their remote habitat. 22) China's National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center warned Muifa could churn up 36 foot (11 meter) high waves in the East China Sea and 16 foot (five meter) waves off the coast. 23) The picture shows Qinshan Phase III Nuclear Power Plant beside East China Sea. 24) The algorithm was applied to analyze the radiative properties of stratocumulus over East China Sea. The results indicated that the itera... 25) The stock sizes and catchable yields for hairtail, chub mackerel and filefish in the East China Sea can be estimated by the expert system. 26) A city of southwest Okinawa, Japan, in the Ryukyu Islands on the East China Sea . It is a port and the commercial center of the islands. 27) Overview of studies on some cyclonic and anti-cyclonic eddies is made in the East China Sea and the region east of the Ryukyu Islands. 28) There is going to be a tropical storm in the East China sea. 29) Pinghu and gas field is the first and gas field in East China Sea. 30) In this paper, the ecological characteristics of zooplankton in feeding grounds of mackerel and scads from Southern Yellow Sea and East China Sea were studied by comparing methods.