prefrontal造句31. The researchers suspect that stressful environments and cognitive impoverishment are to blame, since in animals, stress and environmental deprivation have been shown to affect the prefrontal cortex.
32. Neuroscientists like Raja Parasuraman argue that there are discrete control centres for attentional processing that reside in the prefrontal cortex.
33. Conclusion The process of Chinese effective words needs the participation of prefrontal cortex and cingulate gyrus, the function of which suffers disorder for the APD sufferers.
34. There was increased activity in, and increased connectivity between, two regions: the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and an area of the midbrain called the subthalamic nucleus (STN).
35. Several areas in the brain's prefrontal cortex 9 are especially important for attentional processing.
36. Gladwell discusses the famous cases of cognitive neuroscientist Antonio Damasio where damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex caused nonfunctional behavior without impairing intelligence.
37. In a region of the brain known as the ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), neurons must fire continuously for people to avoid being distracted.
38. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex has a close connection with basal ganglia structures, in particular the striatum.
39. The recommended prefrontal placement is 3 to 4 cm off the middle line, just anterior to the coronal suture.
40. The most telling discovery is that the prefrontal lobe in a baby's brain is underdeveloped, which limits the capacity for internally driven attention and goal-directed behavior.
41. To test this hypothesis, they applied tetrodotoxin (TTX), a neurotoxin that blocks the active release of dopamine, to the nucleus accumbens and prefrontal cortex.
42. Theories concerning drug addiction dominantly consist of Hedonics, Abnormal Learning, Motivation-sensitization and Dysfunction of Prefrontal Cortex.
43. But they showed little activity in an area of the brain involved in self-regulation -- the medial prefrontal cortex and the temporoparietal junction -- as was seen in the control group.
44. The search begins in the prefrontal cortex, where neurons process the goal " find keys ".
45. Brain regions known as the nucleus accumbens and orbitofrontal/prefrontal cortex were also activated. These regions are known to be associated with intense cocaine addiction and cigarette addiction.
46. Objective: To investigate the possible alterations of brain function in prefrontal lobe and hippocampus in anxiety there uses proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS).
47. Dopamine activity in your nucleus accumbens, the brain's reward center, can disrupt your brain's decision making ability by interfering with your prefrontal cortex, the brain's impulse control region.
48. Some researchers have argued for a dual-process model of source and item memory, namely the prefrontal regions subserve source memory and the hippocampal regions subserve item memory.
49. This phenomenon, Dr. Carson said, is often linked to a decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex.
50. Therefore, a medication for stimulating the left prefrontal lobe of the brain would be an effective treatment for clinical depression.
51. Laboratory studies using fMRI, which measures blood-oxygen levels in the brain, have suggested that when someone lies, the brain sends more blood to the ventrolateral area of the prefrontal cortex.
52. So the deactivation of medial prefrontal cortex to these pictures is really kind of shocking.
53. The mesial prefrontal cortex is thought to be important to social and other behavior and emotions.
54. What lights up instead is the right ventrolateral(7) prefrontal(8) cortex(9), part of the brain that controls impulses.
55. Inhibited areas: bilaterally in upper middle precentral gyrus and postcentral gyrus, superior parietal lobule, inferior parietal lobule and prefrontal cortex.