快好知 kuaihz

31. Good writers differ from poor writers in the use of strategies of adjusting or approximating the message, using circumlocution or synonym, discussing feelings with others, and empathizing with others. 32. If he can't find it there, he pulls out Xinhua's answer to the Rosetta Stone: a tattered chart featuring guidelines for approximating the sounds of 55 languages in Chinese. 33. A new method of recognizing ECG P waves based on approximating function is presented in this paper. 34. The fast approximating algorithm is also suitable for minimum condition evaluation of straightness and roundness error. 35. New advance of EO missile approximating warning system abroad is briefly described in this paper. 36. By approximating the nonlinear chaotic system with a T S fuzzy model, the nonlinear chaotic system is fuzzed into a local linear model. 37. We introduce and motivate the main theme of the course, the setting of the problem of learning from examples as the problem of approximating a multivariate function from sparse data - the examples. 38. Therefore, a TAR realizing a gas Stirling cycle approximating the Carnot cycle which is an ideal gas cycle, and realizing simplification of the structure and high efficiency of the device is provided. 39. We got a new smooth function for approximating the plus function by interpolation base on smooth piecewise polynomial functions. 40. In this paper, the intuition behind complete partial order, continuous function and fixed point are presented; the construction of the least fixed point and its approximating solution are introduced. 41. HDTV - Form of digital TV with high resolution ( approximating 35 mm film ). 42. The ice flaker evaporator processed from special alloy with lightnesshigh heat conduction efficient approximating that of Aluminum. 43. Its computation is simple, geometric property is apparant and approximating precision is high. 44. This paper gives default reasoning based on approximating reasoning frame by two-level fuzzy interpretation, and presents a new method that can solve the inconsistency. 45. We study the discrete solutions in approximating the optimal singular controls. 46. The lower end of external terminal filum set in position, approximating to the dorsal surface of the 1st and 2nd coccygeal vertebral bodies.