快好知 kuaihz

91 Hugh Gaitskell, more influential as leader of the Opposition than many prime ministers, had declared that socialism was about equality. 92 I clung on to Hugh, the best on-stage partner I'd known. 93 Hundreds of friends found Hugh Bishop a supportive fellow pilgrim on their own spiritual journeys. 94 The northern Swanwic formed a very large domain, formerly held by the wife of Hugh Fitzgrip. 95 Sermons on the Card and other discourses by Hugh Latimer. 96 Hugh, therefore, had been an initiator of the new policy even before its official promulgation. 97 The only time she'd cried over Hugh was when he'd ditched her. 98 Hugh remained calm at the wheel, driving with the window open. 99 William Hugh Puddephat was born in 1945 in London, and attended a direct grant school. 100 Hugh Seat is readily identified by a neat column of cut stones near the summit. 101 The site where Hugh Arbuthnot chose to build his house was a rise in the ground, overlooking the river. 102 Every few months Hugh de Tracy would mutter about seeing to the building of a proper barbican over the postern. 103 Hugh McPherson, alleges his Army career was cut short in retaliation for his thorough pursuit of the events. 104 Hugh called from the loo to tell her that pulling the chain produced a cascade of silence. 105 A bit of a bombshell, Vi distracts Betty's hard-won suitor Hugh, touching off a set of sibling sparring. 106 Even with all this, the hollow cheeks, the scalp withered, you could still see how handsome Hugh had been. 107 Hugh was busy telling the assembled how best to fiddle your electricity meter. 108 During the reign of John, Hugh de Neville held that office. 109 Hugh Tait has taken the lead in trying to distinguish between fact and fiction when it comes to fakes and forgeries. 110 To Hugh she seemed beautiful and he delighted, somewhat guiltily, in having her eat opposite him. 111 Sir Hugh said loyalists were rapidly developing their bomb-making skills. 112 Travel news comes in the shape of a report from one of the winners of the Hugh Stewart travel scholarship. 113 Hugh was the most forceful advocate of the principle which the new papal decree embodied. 114 A sense of betrayal lay deep in both Hugh and Margaret; it was an important part of who they were. 115 Hugh with his hand on the glass, the housing estates below and beyond. 116 Hugh was now wandering in his speech and scarcely able to stand without Marian's help. 117 Nutritionist Hugh Kerr will head a team of nine full-time staff. 118 His thin bony hand going out to the young man Hugh Bawn. 119 But the dauntless Hugh came up those stairs, quietly keeping his vision intact. 120 Hugh Young, fund manager, admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch was not large enough.