快好知 kuaihz

as shown in造句
1 The kite is assembled as shown in the illustration. 2 The wing is assembled as shown in the photograph below. 3 The door opened onto a courtyard, as shown in the drawing. 4 Finally, bend the strip as shown in the drawing. 5 The entire table will be highlighted, as shown in Figure 11. 1. 4. 6 Now, suppose we have the network connected as shown in Figure 7. 5, where w1 and w2 are weights. 7 But price changes, as shown in the index charts below, will vary in the 10 metropolitan areas examined. 8 Fold fabric and pin on pattern pieces as shown in cutting diagram. cut out. 9 Your holiday price includes transfers, accommodation and meals as shown in each hotel description. 10 The filter was constructed as shown in the diagram and then stood on the wooden crosspieces on top of the vat. 11 These factors also feedback to each other as shown in Figure 2. 12 As shown in the figure on the opposite page, these new elements represent the results that each technique tends to yield. 13 A stop end is normally used, constructed as follows and as shown in the illustration. 14 The alphabetical notation used to designate main classes permits many of these to be included, as shown in Figure 14.5. 15 Industrial crops Note also the notation for each of the main classes, as shown in Figure 14.7. 16 The results were analysed in percentage terms and using the Student's t-test, as shown in Table 4.1. 17 The design can also be used as a single motif, as shown in the V-neck. 18 Next ask them to put the newspaper tubes on the desk as shown in the diagram. 19 If this is done for all five possibilities, the result is a series of points as shown in Figure 4-I. 20 The two microphones and earpieces are then connected together in series with the battery as shown in Fig 2. 21 The two analyses are combined in a matrix structure as shown in Table 7.3. 22 Chapman breaks down the energy used to produce a loaf as shown in Table 4.29 overleaf. 23 The table is now sorted in descending order according to the Amount field, as shown in figure 11. 5. 24 The table of transition probabilities for the travel example would be laid out as shown in Table 6.2. 25 The structure for managing performance in educational institutions can be illustrated as shown in Figure 5.8. 26 While the car is being repaired or serviced we ignore any limitations as to driving or use as shown in the policy schedule. 27 Elite theory can be visually represented by a power pyramid, as shown in Figure 10. 1. 28 You will then see a menu of possible output file formats, as shown in Figure 1. 4. 29 This is best illustrated by considering the flow of information through the various stages of recognition, as shown in Figure 3.1. 30 The substance will then diffuse from the posterior segment into the anterior one, giving concentrations as shown in Figure 14c.