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31. Another important Amish belief is that people should not above themselves. 32. To makestory short, the Mennonite Amish were so conservative that they made more enemies than friends. 33. The floor is wormy maple. It is made locally by the Amish community. They cut down maple trees, plane and finish them into floor panels. 34. Perhaps the nearest modern equivalent in Anglo America is the Amish, a German American farming sect that largely renounces the products and labor saving devices of the industrial age. 35. The Amish also settled in other areas of North America. 36. Within the Amish sect, a long, full beard may denote mature stability, but on an unemployed financial planner, it suggests rather the opposite. Grooming the beard doesn't remove all problems. 37. Old Order Amish — the most traditional of the Pennsylvania Dutch communities — are unusual in many ways. 38. Despite appearances, the Amish are not against technology and progress. 39. Phone calls to egg farms in the mid-Atlantic region led to Pennsylvania Dutch Country, where many Amish people live.