快好知 kuaihz

from among造句
61. From among the various conceptual schemes best suited to these various pursuits , one - the phenomenalistic - claims epistemological priority. 62. Chu Fun, a popular 32-year-old morning-radio host, wears contact lenses for nearsightedness, but she wears glasses, too, choosing from among four pairs of lensless spectacles. 63. It was curious to observe some faces which stood out prominently from among the group. 64. She peeped out from among the green rushes, and if the wind caught her long silvery-white veil, those who saw it believed it to be a swan, spreading out its wings. 65. Antheil lobbied for support for further research from among others, William C. Bullit , Special Assistant to the Secretary of the Navy. 66. She peeped out from among green rushes, and if the wind caught her long silvery-white veil, those who saw it believed it to be a swan, spreading out its wings. 67. But Nannie had another lover, in fact a score of them from among the neighboring young settlers, but one in particular who bid fair to be Billy's most dangerous rival.