快好知 kuaihz

not to say造句
31. But Mr Sandy found it a stimulating, not to say exhausting, tour of duty. 32. But that is not to say that Sierra Leone is not worth saving. 33. You therefore need people in the minority who will speak, the heretics, not to say martyrs. 34. This is not to say that theater should throw in the towel. 35. This is not to say that the standard of reportage is not high - but quality varies as does layout and printing. 36. This is not to say that there is no collaboration between organizations. 37. This is not to say that Brownmiller has written a sanguine portrait of sisters locking arms in struggle. 38. Which is not to say that you should not try to reduce your taxes to the absolute legal minimum. 39. Both men wield wonderful, not to say mythic, influence to this day. 40. This is not to say, however, that popular sovereignty requires a nation state. 41. To a large extent these two approaches have been mutually exclusive, not to say antagonistic. 42. This is not to say that a three E's audit is never undertaken in nationalized industries. 43. Her rapid rise from sweatshop worker to society portraitist is miraculous, not to say incredible. 44. This is not to say, however, that the ramp is strictly hillbilly food. 45. This is not to say that the age of the Great Leader has entirely disappeared. 46. But on the Lazarsfeldian view theoretical debate without systematically provided empirical evidence is essentially sterile not to say unscientific. 47. During the election campaign Bush was careful not to say outright that he would bring the boys home from the Balkans. 48. This is not to say that it does not contain many magnificent passages, some comic, some sublime. 49. This is not to say that these termites have no perception of the earth's magnetic field. 50. This is not to say that all criticism is unjustified. 51. That's not to say you turn psychotic or start sleeping with men or crawl around the place in a wheelchair. 52. That is not to say that some people are not naturally more perceptive, sympathetic and shrewd than others. 53. This is not to say that mass markets have disintegrated or that economies of scale are irrelevant to competitive performance. 54. This is not to say that Shadwell does not add some twists of his own. 55. This is not to say however that interviewing adults was easier, simply that it posed different challenges. 56. Which is not to say they were an unending pleasure. 57. This is not to say that they normally have no sense of injustice. 58. But that is not to say he does not feel afraid. 59. Sometimes he chooses not to say anything, because it would create too much tension. 60. This is not to say that those who signed the majority Report were disingenuous.