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61. Mix water chestnut powder and 250 ml water to batter and sift. 62. When the Japanese invaded the Philippines, ML helped defend the Bataan Peninsula in Manila Bay. 63. The luminometer accepts samples in 12 mm diameter test tubes with lengths ranging from 45 to 100 mm and 15 mL microcentrifuge tubes. 64. Place 100 mL of pyridine in a 250-mL graduated cylinder , and, keeping the pyridine cold in an ice bath, pass in dry sulfur dioxide until the volume reaches 200 mL. 65. Grease 6 ramekin dishes of 150 ml (5-6 fl oz) capacity. 66. Additionally, six male Wistar - Kyoto rats ( 0.5 % mucilage of arabic gum, 10 mL · kg ~ ( - 1 ) · d ~ ( - 1 )) were selected as control group. 67. If you need a larger opening or the other ML chamber design, please call to order. 68. The wet filter cake was recrystallized from 650 ml methanol. 69. Conclusion: Endogenous catecholamine mediates the arrhythmogenic, positively chronotropic and inotropic effects of IL-2. IL-2 at 200 U/ml inhibits the cardiac function in the isolated rat heart. 70. The present paper involves the FFP-ATS semantics of value evaluation of ML core language. 71. In the second method, 0.1 ml . of the 1:10 dilution is injected intracutaneously in the forearm. 72. This standard solution was accurately prepared in super-clean laboratory with potassium chloropatinate-crystallized cobaltous chloride and sub-packed in 20 ml ampoules. 73. The crude, wet benzoate ( 118 grams ) was disslolved with reflux in 1,400 ml methanol. 74. Note : A ML requires a size 9 port in order to reload mines. 75. In some regions, the net weight of a canned Coca-Cola and Pepsi Cola decreased from 355 ml to 330 ml, but the price remains the same. 76. Before the epidural is initiated , the patient is hydrated with 500 - 1000 mL of dextrose - free intravenous fluid. 77. After deriving the mathematical equations, a comparison between the LS and the ML estimators was performed. 78. Add 100 ml of hexane R and boil under a reflux condenser for 4 h, stirring constantly. 79. There are a large beer mug can hold about 500 ml of liquid. 80. 2.0 ml of this dispersion is combined with the following solutions. 81. Bring 400 ml water to boil and add in the taro and sago. 82. Among patients assigned to take budesonide, smokers experienced a mean decline of 192.4 ml in post-bronchodilator FEV1 over the study period while non-smokers experienced a mean decline of 134.3 ml. 83. Tip: pour 150 ml boiling water over one teaspoon of leaves and flowers of chopped hawthorn, let macerator runs for 5 to 10 minutes. 84. These codes are four-group ML decodable and have uniform distribution of power among the relays as well as in time. 85. On an average day you take 15,000 steps and foot perspires 200 ml of sweat. 86. The nitrile ( II ) ( 28 g ) was mixed with 26 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid. 87. Grassland Extreme Marathon 2011 Ml Mth RankingBib No Name Gender ... 88. In the presence of noise, the performance of the peak search method can be further improved by using a maximum likelihood (ML) technique in the evaluation of wide band ambiguity function. 89. The mean value of milk SCC was 28×104 mL - 1 which was the lowest in October. 90. Aspiration of knee joint effusion yielded 40 mL of turbid straw-colored fluid.