快好知 kuaihz

1. Three shaggy-haired men thrash tunelessly at their guitars. 2. He began to hum, somewhat tunelessly. 3. My dad whistled tunelessly through his teeth. 4. He was humming tunelessly. 5. She sang rather tunelessly. 6. He had an irritating habit of singing tunelessly about the house. 7. Someone had began to whistle the Rosary[http:///tunelessly.html], tunelessly inside. 8. Thomas squatted on the forward deck, whistling tunelessly , polishing the broze spool of the anchor winch. 9. A blind man wearing a straw Stetson was playing a guitar and singing tunelessly for a group of soldiers. 10. If she cried he rocked the cradle and sang to her tunelessly.