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pay cut造句
1, They were intimidated into accepting a pay cut by the threat of losing their jobs. 2, Staff have agreed to take a 2% pay cut. 3, The pay cut caused bitterness among the staff. 4, She offered to take a pay cut to keep her job, but she was just clutching at straws. 5, A proposed 5% pay cut has outraged staff at the warehouse. 6, Whether he would accept a pay cut would be the acid test of his loyalty to the company. 7, They were asked to accept a 4% pay cut . 8, Everyone from the chairman downwards is taking a pay cut. 9, The pay cut was just a taste of things to come. 10, She's just found out about the pay cut and she's not a happy camper. 11, How will you justify this pay cut to your employees? 12, Dentists go private to avoid a pay cut. 13, Employees are being forced to take a 5% pay cut. 14, Worse, he had to take a thirty percent pay cut for working twice as many hours. 15, I took a pay cut to come here, but I'm sure it was the right thing to do. 16, They have asked each to take a pay cut, something their agent, Jim Solano,[http:///pay cut.html] has adamantly opposed. 17, She took a $ 10, 000 pay cut but can pick up her children at day care by five-thirty. 18, It was the second pay cut in two years, and employees were becoming disgruntled. 19, Many workers opted to leave their jobs rather than take a pay cut. 20, The new policy of shorter working hours will serve to take the sting out of the pay cut. 21, Read in studio Hundreds of bus company workers have been voting on whether to accept a six percent pay cut. 22, And he's furious: Male speaker Dentists won't be willing to put up with such a pay cut. 23, With inflation running at 3.6 percent, that means they are being asked to accept an effective pay cut of 2.1 percent. 24, If Annan is sincere about reform, he should set an example by taking a pay cut. 25, The new chief executive acknowledged he would be taking a pay cut. 26, In part two: Clean round the bend.Sweepers offer to take take a pay cut to keep their jobs. 27, A third took rises below five percent, 14 percent got no rise and one percent took a pay cut. 28, But after getting released and not being active and taking a pay cut, it takes a toll. 29, If Saunders is sincere about reform, he should set an example by taking a pay cut. 30, It would be very much like having Joe take a $ 60, 000 pay cut over the entire period.