快好知 kuaihz

31. Uncle Albert pointed sternly to the chair opposite him. 32. Albert: Things ... like going around smashing milk bottles. 33. Albert Road is just off the High Street. 34. They are pictured above with Albert Lee. 35. Tony Millar resigned as executive chairman of Albert Fisher. 36. Suicide was also claimed by Presley's biographer, Albert Goldman. 37. Albert had left town, his secretary said. 37.try its best to collect and build good sentences. 38. Uncle Albert watched her with amusement. 39. Albert Hanson has details about future dates on. 40. I looked round and Albert half turned his head. 41. Albert was standing in the vestibule overseeing the logistics. 42. Carrie heard Albert gasp beside her. 43. Albert went to Kaiser twice a week for several hours at a stretch. 44. Hank was suddenly deeply grateful to old Mr Albert for taking him seriously. 45. His faith never wavered, even when Albert became so disturbed by the portents that he could not sleep and fell ill. 46. Rob climbed down and watched Albert kick small branches from the gutter. 47. The atmosphere when they opened the bottle seemed to Albert to improve no end. 48. Jim tried coaxing him away with a glass of brandy, which Albert thought a low device. 49. The Albert suspension bridge is all lit up and people cheer us. 50. He dressed like a dandy in a Prince Albert coat, derby hat, and stiff collar. 51. The administration's minority party has put off a decision whether to withdraw support for Prime Minister Albert Reynolds. 52. It was Albert who ruled that the exhibition should be a showpiece for the world, not just for Britain. 53. Albert Ninham, 75, admitted indecently assaulting two boys aged 12 and 11 in November last year. 54. He added that the Taoiseach, Albert Reynolds, had already been in telephone contact with Digital. 55. Sister Albert explained why. A few years ago a terrible fire broke out in the nearby town of Dumka. 56. They had just done a big concert at the Albert Hall with an orchestra for an album called Snowgoose. 57. Albert has no doubts about the moral and social superiority of the latter. 58. There had been fears about his position after he met namesake Albert Reynolds, the Eire Premier, a few weeks ago. 59. But Albert insisted on it, and worse things as well. 60. Albert, normally poker faced, wore a look of pure dismay.