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performance data造句
1. Performance data are total returns, which include both share prices and reinvested dividends. 2. I knew from experience that objective performance data would be needed in overcoming that prior conditioning. 3. Many providers also publish performance data on their own websites. 4. This driver monitors disk accesses capturing performance data. 5. Do you think we should include some performance data? 6. Is in - progress and final verification performance data collected, analyzed and charted against year - over - year improvement target? 7. At the same time, the elevator performance data and other service related information were provided. 8. This call retrieves a key representing the performance data for the remote system. 9. The impressive PCV system produces outstanding performance data and is extremely resistant to dirt and damage. 10. A performance data source (PDS) is a source of performance or availability data that is useful as a measurement to reflect a component's relative health. 11. All performance data in the explosion protected areas and the interaction with the instrumentation are gathered in the explosion protected field bus. 12. Efficient: The collection of performance data does not detrimentally influence the target of the monitoring. 13. IBM i has four different kinds of performance data that you can analyze with PDI. 14. The performance data of cell such as temperature, overpotential and current density, was analyzed and compared under the different working voltage conditions. 15. And accomplish the collection of performance data base on the above mentioned. 16. Able to accurately and sensibly record and present performance data. 17. At the top of the agenda is the use of short-term performance data to market a long-term savings product. 18. The characteristic of hardware and software of a NIs performance data acquisition system are introduced. 19. This article describes the physical mechanisms and technology supporting a femtosecond laser keratome and also presents preliminary performance data in ex vivo and human clinical testing. 20. Whatever the end result, this article should make a good starting point for those who wish to pursue custom coding for performance data collection and analysis for Windows-based applications. 21. Performance counters use a memory mapped file, or shared memory, to publish performance data. 22. A curve approximation method based on Cellular Automata was produced, and was applied to digital approximation of hydraulic turbine performance data. 23. Each function node lists all the functions that it called and performance data about those function calls. 24. This panel shows the exact SQL statement PDI will use to retrieve data from the performance data selected. 25. Terry A . Welsh , A Technique for High - Performance Data Compression , IEEE Computer, June 1984. 26. In comparisons of this type the sole use of performance data can be misleading. 27. A new tool added in DB2 UDB V8.2, called the Activity Monitor, uses various SQL functions and procedures to retrieve performance data for a live system for analysis. 28. An initiatives portfolio contains a number of individual initiatives, their identification data, and an accumulation of performance data. 29. Base each of these models on facts, past and present performance data, industry and competitor analyses and a series of well-thought-out, defendable assumptions. 30. Now, let's look at each of the four basic parts of the custom program that we need to include when using the PDH library to obtain performance data.