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1. Constituents for Benzoin from Siam : Coniferyl benzoate , benzoic acid , vanillin , siaresinolic acid, cinnamyl benzoate. 2. Conclusion: Both estradiol benzoate and hydroxyprogesterone caproate or mixture of them can increase the count of peripheral leukocytes and percentage of lymphocytes. 3. The results indicate that sodium benzoate, ammonium benzoate, cinnamic acid inhibited anodic process significantly. 4. The principle and condition of synthesis Isopropyl benzoate with catalyst of ferric chloride was researched. 5. Cane Sugar, Orange Honey, Purified Water USP, Sodium Benzoate NF, Vegetable Glycerine USP. 6. Secnidazole benzoate is a former drug of secnidazole, this paper mainly study on the pharmacological activity of secnidazole benzoate. 7. The crude, wet benzoate ( 118 grams ) was dissolved with reflux in 1 , 400 ml methanol. 8. The mechanism of thermal decomposition for calcium benzoate was studied by using TG, DTA, and IR. 9. H2O2 and Sodium benzoate of different concentration have serious influence to the pigment of Black currant of fruit juice. 10. Methods The model was established by Injecting estradiol benzoate Into the abdominal cavity after ovariectomy. 11. Isobutyl p-(dimethylamino) benzoate was synthesized by the esterification ofp-(dimethylamino)-benzoic acid with isobutanol using p-toluene sulfonic acid as the catalyst. 12. Benzyl benzoate was synthesized by the esterification of sodium benzoate and benzyl chloride in the presence of water and triethylamine which was taken as the phase transfer catalyst. 13. Objective To explore the effect of estradiol benzoate on traumatic brain injury ( TBI ). 14. Objective To research the trichomonacidal effect of secnidazole benzoate in vitro. 15. The ascorbic acid. amylum, citric acid, sodium benzoate and several metal ions have no harmful effects. and they have fortification effects on the tone of the pigment . 16. Methods: Estradiol benzoate was hypodermically injected during late estrus. Then Non-movement time when mice tails were hung and the inference function of Jingqing Capsule were observed. 17. The experiment showed that this separation method is feasible and benzyl benzoate with purity about 90% and fluorenone products with purity of more than 85% were obtained. 18. Purified Water, Vegetable Glycerin, Fructose, Sorbitol, Elderberry Powder (color and flavor) Citric Acid, Natural Flavors, Sodium Benzoate. 19. The antibacterial activity of sesamin was remarkable compared with sodium benzoate at the same concentration. 20. A method of fourth derivative UV spectrophotometric determination of and benzoate in soft beverage was studied. 21. A method was developed to determine residue of emamectin benzoate in vegetables. 22. The field control effects of sex pheromone, and the insecticides resistance levels to the Avermectins and Emamectin benzoate in the room were measured. 23. Deionized water, glycerin, brown rice syrup, barley malt, natural cherry flavor, citric acid, apple pectin, sodium benzoate. 24. With the increase of its initial concentration, the photolytic rate of Emamectin benzoate water solution increased. 25. Purified Water, fructose, honey, guar gum, carob flour, apple pectin, citric acid, sodium benzoate. 26. It contained sunset yellow, carmiosine, quinoline yellow and allura red, plus sodium benzoate. 27. During a long time, People have fought with annoying mold by some chemical preservative, like Sodium benzoate and Potassium sorbate. 28. The first drink was the same as in the first study, containing a mix of sunset yellow, carmiosine, tartrazine and ponceau 4R with the preservative sodium benzoate. 29. The lotion has total flavescent sophora alkaloid as effective component and glycerin and sodium benzoate. 30. The esterification condition of Benzoic acid and antimicrobial activity of methyl benzoate were studied.